Category Archives: Games

AS3: KeyboardEvents, KeyCodes, and CharCodes

Once you really get going into designing basically any kind of computer game – whether it be a 2-D platformer like Contra or even online video Poker – you are eventually going to need some kind of keyboard control besides general typing. Traditionally this could be the arrow keys or W,A,S,D for movement, spacebar for jumping or plasma-ray firing, R for retry or Q for quit, but really the level of control is up to you.

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First Game Post

This is mainly just a test to see how well Flash works with my blog. So far it looks like there won’t be any problems. 🙂

I have a LOT of silly little experiments collecting dust in the annexes of my many hard drives, so I thought I’d share one while I am tinkering –

Here’s the start of space shooter game I’d like to overhaul someday. It’s one of the first pseudo-real games I made. Theres a pretty long story behind it, but I won’t get into any of that right now..
It still has a working title, but for now I call it:

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