Author Archives: Ben

First Game Post

This is mainly just a test to see how well Flash works with my blog. So far it looks like there won’t be any problems. 🙂

I have a LOT of silly little experiments collecting dust in the annexes of my many hard drives, so I thought I’d share one while I am tinkering –

Here’s the start of space shooter game I’d like to overhaul someday. It’s one of the first pseudo-real games I made. Theres a pretty long story behind it, but I won’t get into any of that right now..
It still has a working title, but for now I call it:

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I’m a Blog Now is a blog now!

In the past this website has been a random collection of projects I’ve either spearheaded or been a part of. I now plan to present at least a semi-professional portfolio and attempt to give a little know-how back to the web community.

Oh yeah I guess I forgot to say that I’m a Flash Developer currently spreading my wings. I’m obsessed with game design and I have ties in 3D, game engines, web design, yada yada.. I’m not too savvy with the whole blogging thing, but this seems like a great place to host  new projects, ideas, tutorials, and other things that tickle my fancy.

Well.. I’ll flesh this things out over the next little while. Enjoy!